Upcoming classes

To see what classes are currently being offered and scheduled times, please go here.

If you have already signed up for a class, please be sure you have filled out the class registration form.


Behavior classes

Family Dog 1 – Basic Manners and Self Control

In this 6-week class we cover: dog and human body language, attention to handler, manners, sit, down, stand, stay, recall, walking politely on lead. We also address some real life issues like begging, barking and jumping. Your first class you come without your dog. We limit this class to 7 dogs. Advance registration is required.

Family Dog 2 – Basic Manners and Self Control

The prerequisite for this class is Family Dog 1 or the equivalent. In this 6-week class we continue enjoying the relationship we have already started building with our dog. We play interactive games, learn some tricks, continue looking at human and dog body language, sharpen our manners, continue sharpening our recall and lots more leash walking. We cover a solid down-stay with distractions, recall with distractions, heel, and walking politely on lead. On our first day of class we do a test run of the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation to take a look at where each team need the most help in. On our last day of class we take the CGC test. Passing this test is a requirement for many of the therapy and visiting dog programs throughout the country. We limit this class to 10 dogs. Advance registration is required.

Rescue Dog Training – Basic Manners and Self Control

In this 6-week class we cover: dog and human body language, attention to handler, manners, sit, down, stand, stay, recall, walking politely on lead. We also address some real life issues like begging, barking and jumping. Your first class you come without your dog. We limit this class to 7 dogs. Advance registration is required.


Canine Life and Social Skills is a 6-week educational program to promote training focused on the use of positive reinforcement and to strengthen relationships between humans and their canine companions. Please visit the C.L.A.S.S. website for even more information as well as a video.

Double Dog Class

This 7-week, 1½ hour class is for families managing a multi dog household. Having 2, 3, 4 or more dogs can be an absolute joy. We will learn about body language and how to manage your dogs as you learn your skills. You will learn to decipher your dogs’ body language to help avoid turbulence between family dogs. Learn how to manage feeding times, toy sharing, door manners, attention, and even leash walking with multiple dogs. This class is limited to 6 families with 2 dogs each. Textbook and handout included. The prerequisite is Family Dog 1 or equivalent with at least one dog enrolled in the class.

Impulse Control

This 8-week class is for dogs who have trouble controlling their impulses and are easily distracted or have trouble connecting with their handler. This is for dogs who are sensitive to sudden environmental changes, are reactive to other dogs and/or people, are easily stressed out or anxious and shut down. We teach you how to manage space and teach you and your dog to make good choices. We limit this class to 8 dog/handler teams. Advanced registration is required. This is a 90 minute class.

Let’s Walk!

Put on your walking shoes for this class! In this 6-week class we will cover the ins and outs of walking politely on leash including getting leashed up, getting in and out of the house, what leashes and collars are best to use, what to do for serious pullers. This class is not for aggressive dogs. Your first class you come without your dog. We limit this class to 8 dog/handler teams. Advanced registration is required.

Total Recall

In this 4-week class we teach your dog to come the FIRST time you call. It works at a distance, when he is with other dogs, when he is with other people, chasing squirrels and sniffing in holes. This is your emergency recall — the call you use when you need an instant response. It keeps your dog safe, providing you with peace of mind. This method was developed by a top trainer using positive reinforcement training methods. The Really Reliable Recall works for puppies and older dogs as well as difficult to train breeds. In this class we take you through the easy to follow steps to train your dog to truly be reliable off leash.

The first class is 60 minutes in length, the following 2 classes are 45 minutes in length.

Body Language Playgroup

This class is an absolute must for anyone with a dog! Please come without your dog for the first class. You will be watching some video footage, receiving your class materials and learning the basics about dog body language. In this class we will be observing our dogs at play. We will be watching for appropriate body language and play between dogs. We will learn when to intervene and when to let our dogs communicate. We limit this class to 8 dogs between the ages of 16 weeks and 2 years. No aggressive dogs please. No females in season. Advance registration is required. This is a 5-week class.


You've got an issue, we can help you solve it.  Bring us your beggars, jumpers, food stealers, barkers and runners.  We will show you the way to a better relationship and great manners.  Leave your dogs at home for the 1st class please. This is a 6-week class.

Scent Work For Fun

This 6-week class teaches the dog to use its nose to find a specific scent or odor on cue.  Dogs have a natural ability to hunt using their noses.  You will learn how to use this skill for exercise and fun.