


Upcoming classes

To see what classes are currently being offered and scheduled times, please go here.

If you have already signed up for a class, please be sure you have filled out the class registration form.


Agility classes - Beginning

Agility Foundations 1 – Pre Agility Floor Work

This 6-week class is for families who are interested in competing in the sport of Dog Agility. We learn the importance of play and rewards and start our work on the flat, acquiring a good connection and understanding of body language basics including learning hand and body signals using targeting and shaping techniques. We follow the Derrett handling system. We also learn the importance of warm-up and stretching. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance registration is required.

Agility Foundations 2 – Intro to Equipment

In this 6-week class we will introduce equipment and handling concepts. The focus of this class is to develop a foundation for solid obstacle performance. Start lines and handler focus are also emphasized. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance registration is required. Pre Agility or instructor approval is a prerequisite.

Agility Foundations 3 – Intro to Sequencing

This 6-week class puts all of the groundwork and obstacle foundation together in an introduction to sequences of obstacles. We will implement concepts of handling while continuing to reinforce and build on obstacle performance. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance registration is required. Pre Agility and Agility Foundations 2 are the prerequisites.

Agility classes - Intermediate & Advanced

Agility Class 4 - Advanced Beginners

This 6-week class is for dogs and handlers who have a basic foundation in handling skills and obstacle performance. We will also work on course analysis. We will continue running short sequences. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance Registration is required. Agility Foundations 3 or instructor permission is a prerequisite.

Agility Class 5 - Competition Prep

This 6-week class is for dogs and handlers who will focus on analyzing and running longer sequences while maintaining obstacle and handling skills learned in the previous levels. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Agility Class 4-Advanced Beginners 3 or instructor permission is a prerequisite.

Agility Class 6 - Novice Handling

This 6-week class is for handlers and dogs that are about ready to start competition at the Novice level. The focus will be on course analysis, handling and obstacle skills needed to run at the Open or Excellent level before starting in Novice. With these skills in place, novice courses and competition will be a breeze! We limit this class to 6 dogs. Agility Class 5-Competition Prep or instructor permission is a prerequisite.

Agility Class 7 - Competition Handling

For dogs and handlers who are currently competing at any level. We will focus on fine tuning handler skills and staying on top of the current training methods and trends in course design so handlers are prepared for anything they may see. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance registration is required. Agility Class 6-Novice Handling or instructor permission is a prerequisite.

Agility classes - Workshops

2×2 Weaves & Crate Games

This 6-week class introduces the 2×2 method of weave training and Crate Games. Both are based on the Susan Garrett DVDs. 2×2 weave pole training will also incorporate Mary Ellen Barry adaptations. Dogs trained with the 2×2 method will love the weaves and be able to find challenging entries. Dogs trained using this method have a great understanding of the behaviors needed to perform great weaves. This class is for dogs just learning to weaves as well as dogs that need re-training because they miss entries or pop out early. We will also gain the drive and focus skills by working crate games skills. We will be teaching you and your dog to love crates and we will build attention and focus for a rockstar agility dog. This class is limited to 12 dogs. Advance registration is required. Each student must bring an appropriately sized crate for their dog. We will supply you with a set of 2×2 weaves to practice with at home. There is no prerequisite for this class, but dogs must be 12 months or older.

Running A-frame

You want a running A-Frame? This is a 5-week class that introduces the Rachel Sanders running A-Frame box method. By teaching the dogs to understand the box on the ground, dogs can be taught to run through the down contact on cue without repetitious practice on a full height A-Frame, making this method safer and more reliable than many other methods. We limit this class to 6 dogs. Advance registration is required.

Agility Troubleshooting

This 6-week class is designed for the dog/handler teams that are faced with some problem spots in their agility handling. This includes weave-pole pop-outs, missed contacts, broken start-lines and even motivation issues. We limit this class to 6 dogs.

Agility Contact Training

This 6-week class is designed for agility teams of all levels wanting to learn or relearn the skills needed for a 2 on 2 off or running contact position in preparation for competition.